Telescope for beginners
We can see stars in the sky with the naked eye just as flickering dots, but we already know that they are actually diverse, interesting, often huge and beautiful objects. Fortunately, we can take a closer look at them and telescopes make it possible. Observations of objects in our solar system are attracting more and more people, and events such as lunar eclipses, solar eclipses, or the passage of a comet always arouse great interest. Some of them happen once every few tens or even hundreds of years, so it is important to prepare well for them. If you want to experience them to the fullest, it is worth getting your own telescope. There are many different models of telescopes available on the market, with different parameters. Choosing the first equipment, when you do not yet know exactly what to expect from it, is not an easy task. Fortunately, we come to help you and suggest what kind of telescope will work well in observing the sky for a beginner astronomy enthusiast.
Types of telescopes
The first more advanced observations of the sky were made as early as the 17th century, when the prototypes of modern telescopes were developed. Even then it was possible to admire the surface of the Moon, the disk of Jupiter, or look at the rings of Saturn. Today, we have access to much more advanced equipment and even amateurs are able to use it. If you are wondering how to choose a telescope that will work well for you, you should first learn about the types of telescopes.
Refractor vs reflector telescope. What are the differences?
You can choose between two of the most popular types of telescopes: a refracting telescope (refractor) and a reflecting telescope (reflector). A refractor is built with an objective lens consisting of lenses that refract light rays and thus focus them. A reflecting telescope, on the other hand, has a mirror that focuses light through reflection. Both devices make it possible to observe not only our solar system, but also to look further into space. They differ in their optical capabilities and, in addition, each telescope model also has different parameters.
Best telescope for viewing planets
Not all objects in the sky will be interesting to beginners, because in fact only some of the celestial bodies look spectacular. If we are just beginning our observation of the stars, some of them we will not even be able to recognize. What will definitely interest you are the individual planets, the craters on the Moon or the rings of Saturn. These are the largest and brightest objects in the solar system, so you don't need very advanced equipment to spot them.
Even a refractor that is simple in design and easy to use will be perfect for planetary observation. It gives better contrast, which is useful for bright celestial bodies. So on the one hand, we can say that even a very cheap and simple refractor should be completely sufficient for you, and it happens that even it will not be necessary. We can already see the moon even with binoculars, although we will not see much detail this way. On the other hand, remember that your appetite grows as you watch, and you will probably get a feeling of dissatisfaction very quickly.
If you are taking your first steps in astronomy, the best telescope for planetary observation may be the OPTICON ProWatcher.

An astronomical telescope is a very good gift idea for the youngest.
What to use for observing nebulae and globular clusters?
We can spend long hours admiring the different phases of the moon or the unique positioning of the planets, but at some point every budding astronomer feels unsatisfied. He or she wants to look a little farther and also see distant galaxies, asteroids, double stars and nebulae. These usually require better equipment, knowledge of how to set it up and more advanced skills to find particular objects. For observing nebulae and galaxies, a reflecting telescope works well. It gives less contrast, compared to refractors of the same size, so with its help we can see just such darker objects.
How to observe the Sun safely?
Above all, observing the Sun requires additional precautions. You cannot look at it with an unprotected telescope or binoculars. In this way you can easily damage your eyesight or even lose it completely. It is necessary to use appropriate filters and apertures that reduce the amount of rays reaching the human eye.
Telescope for an amateur - the most important parameters
In observing the sky, it is not only the type of telescope used that matters, but also the parameters of a particular model. The most important thing in any telescope is its optical system, that is, the lens and mirror, as well as the eyepiece. On these elements, among others, depends what sharpness of the image you will get and whether the object will be visible at all.
- Diameter of the lens or mirror
The most important parameter that describes the lens and mirror is their diameter. The diameter determines how much light a given model of telescope is able to absorb, which then results in the image we see . The general rule is that the larger the diameter, the better and more expensive the telescope. The diameter is given in millimeters and it is assumed that the objective lens should have a minimum diameter of 80 mm, and a reflecting telescope 150 mm in diameter. A reflector with a diameter of 150 mm will already allow you to for example observe globular clusters. However, even the best equipment will not enable you to see the colors of nebulae, and this is due to the limited capabilities of the human eye. So it's worth having realistic expectations when it comes to optical products. The OPTICON Star Painter 102F600 refractor offers a diameter of 102mm.
- Telescope focal length
The focal length determines the distance between the lens or mirror and the point of focus. Focal length affects the magnification in a telescope as well as its length. Longer telescopes are certainly less manageable, and is the magnification in a telescope really that important?
- Magnification
It might seem that the image in a telescope should be maximally magnified, because only then are we able to see the details of galaxies and other distant objects, or the disk of each planet. In practice, however, magnification is not so important. Too much magnification can even make it more difficult to locate an object, or worsen the quality of the image. Although this parameter is particularly exposed when selling telescopes, it really has little impact on the quality of the telescope itself. It is better to pay attention to its diameter.

When choosing your first telescope, it is worth paying attention to the accessories included.
What else affects space observation and the choice of telescope?
Astronomical equipment plays a major role in astronomical observations, but it is not the only factor that matters. Also important is the place where the observations are made and whether there is a clear sky in the particular area. And we don't mean clouds at all, but light. In cities and suburban areas, the sky is very light polluted, so don't set your sights on seeing nebulae or galaxies. They require dark skies, and reflecting telescopes designed for viewing them, perform worse in such conditions. And it doesn't matter how good a quality telescope you choose. Instead, you can observe the surface of the Moon and planets, and in this role a refractor will be perfect. However, if you intend to conduct observations away from heavily illuminated areas, by all means opt for a reflector, which will certainly allow you to see more.
Best telescope for beginners
A telescope for beginner astronomy enthusiasts should certainly be easy to use. In this regard, refracting telescopes have an advantage, as they do not require advanced settings. Unlike reflecting telescopes, which must be optimally adjusted every time. Depending on the type of objects to be observed and the prevailing conditions.
Also important is the weight and size of the equipment, which is affected, among other things, by the diameter in the telescope. Admittedly, the larger it is, the telescope allows for more advanced activities in the subject of astronomy. However, the problem of carrying the device then appears. If you do not plan to search with the telescope for convenient places for observation, but conduct them from your home urban garden, then it is worth choosing a larger and also heavier telescope. In other cases, it is better to opt for more compact equipment.
These two parameters: the size and the difficulty of operating the device are also very important if you choose a telescope for kids. It certainly doesn't really pay to buy them toy telescopes, but you also can't choose an overly advanced and heavy device. On the other hand, a good quality, small refractor can be a great option just for children.
Opticon telescopes offer a range of interesting models.

Telescope - prices
Telescopes are very diverse products, so their prices also have a wide range: from a few tens of pounds to even tens of thousands. For beginners, the most expensive and advanced devices will not be suitable, but also there is no point in buying the cheapest solutions that will quickly become insufficient for you. On the other hand, telescopes for a few hundred pounds can already serve you for years and it is also worthwhile to enrich them with additional accessories, such as Barlow lenses or additional eyepieces.
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